Porch Potty Review

I recently bought a lovely beagle puppy – Bella is the cutest little dog. When I take her for walks people always stop and smile. She is affectionate and well behaved – that is, until it is potty time. I live in an apartment, and stopping Bella from making her mess wherever she liked was a nightmare. I read books, visited websites and asked for friends’ advice. None of the methods I tried helped much. I even tried an old fashioned dog litter box, but it was so messy.

photoThen I tried Porch Potty. For the first 2 days I placed the unit next to my front door. I dipped a piece of newspaper into some of her urine and left it in the Porch Potty. Then I sat back and waited. I was very happy when she seemed to instinctively go to the Porch Potty to do her business. She continued using it for her dog potty the next day too. I congratulated her each time so that she knew I approved.

Then I left the apartment door open and put the new dog grass litter box just outside. Sure enough when she next needed to go, she followed the Porch Potty outside. I was amazed how smoothly things were going. The best was yet to come, I closed the door later that night and Bella went and waited at the closed door. She sniffed the floor as dogs do before they need the toilet, and gave me her puppy dog eyes look.

Bella wanted me to open the door. I did, and she went straight to the porch potty to relieve herself. This dog potty is the best thing I have ever bought. I wish I’d bought it months earlier. It is so easy to use and it cleans itself really well. I highly recommend any new puppy owners to get this amazing dog litter box. It makes life so much easier and cleaner.